Bedford County Public Schools
Goals/Continuous School Improvement Plan High School -- Susie G. Gibson
Science and Technology Center 2023-2024 School Year
Part I: Vision, Mission, Accountability & Accreditation Information, and Goal Statements
Troy Doss
Vision: Vividly paints a picture of the future/ leads to a desired outcome.
SGSTC leads the division by providing center-based preparation for college and career readiness for all students in Bedford County Public Schools.
“Shorthand” Mission and Vision Summary in Daily Use: Real Learning for the Real World
Mission: Is focused on the present and is prescribed by the vision statement (i.e., is the roadmap that will take
you to the vision).
Our mission is to prepare students for future success with authentic learning experiences in their chosen fields and to award career credentials honoring these student achievements and experiences.
“Shorthand” Mission and Vision Summary in Daily Use: Real Learning for the Real World
Federal Accountability Information
Not available at center/school level
State Accreditation Information
Not available at center/school level
Goal Statement 1:
SGSTC includes a course expansion goal as Goal 1. Explore and evaluate possible new areas when/if space and staffing becomes available. Fiscal planning is already in the works to expand programs as space comes available. We would like to add back Electricity for the 2024-2025 school year.
Goal Statement 2:
SGSTC will continue to explore scheduling options that facilitate the robust participation of additional students through our programs.
The Susie G Gibson Science and Technology Center will offer a schedule that maximizes student time on task for project-based, work-based, and
competency-driven learning that prepares students for future careers. Work-based learning is inclusive of service learning as well as the other categories of work-based learning in Virginia. 70% of completers will use their credentials earned at SGSTC or
enroll in a post-secondary program. Data will be provided through the completer survey.
Goal Statement 3:
SGSTC will continue to explore scheduling options that will focus on enrollment and retention within our current programs with a focus on enrollment support for online classes. Educate counselors on the benefits of an SGSTC certificate program within the workforce. We would like to increase enrollment for our on campus programs by 20% for the 24-25 school year.
Goal Statement 4:
100% of BCRL and AEC Seniors will complete the necessary requirements to be a Class of 2024 graduate of BCPS.
Part V: Goals, Strategies, and Action Steps
Goal Statement 1 SGSTC includes a course expansion goal as Goal 1. Explore and evaluate possible new areas when/if space and staffing becomes available. Fiscal planning is already in the works to expand programs as space comes available. We would like to add back Electricity for the 24-25 school year.
Strategy: See information below. This box is listed as a reminder of the need for discussion with the thought that Goal 1 from previous years will return in the future when more resources are available. Bolded courses are up for consideration.
Programs and Courses Under Consideration
Person(s) Coordinating/Monitoring
Dates (Timeframe) and Current Status
Evidence of Progress/Completion
1) Electricity
Troy Doss Trevor Hoss
Possible 24-25 implementation if space and funding allows
Position will be posted in the Fall of 2023
Goal Statement 2: SGSTC will continue to explore scheduling options that facilitate the robust participation of additional students through our programs. The Susie G Gibson Science and Technology Center will offer a schedule that maximizes student time on task for project-based, work-based, and competency-driven learning that prepares students for future careers. Work-based learning is inclusive of service learning as well as the other categories of work-based learning in Virginia. 70% of completers will use their credentials earned at SGSTC or enroll in a post-secondary program. Data will be provided through the completer survey.
Strategy: See points of exploration below.
Points of Exploration Under Consideration
Person(s) Coordinating/Monitoring
Dates (Timeframe)
Evidence of Progress/Completion
Students will be given the opportunity to complete work-based learning and
Troy Doss Trevor Hoss Teachers
internships through each program
Chelsea Craig
We will continue to have a CTE Signing Day for students receiving job offers. We will also invite businesses on that day to talk to prospective students as well.
Troy Doss Trevor Hoss Chelsea Craig
2023-2024 School Year
CTE Signing/Career Day
Create partnerships with local businesses to allow them to speak to our students about possible job offerings prior to graduation.
We will have a Career Expo in October
Troy Doss Trevor Hoss Chelsea Craig
Fall of 2023
Supervisor of CTE and Work Based Learning input Teacher/Community Connections
Bedford Area Chamber
Goal Statement 3: SGSTC will continue to explore scheduling options that will focus on enrollment and retention within our current programs with a focus on enrollment support for online classes. Educate counselors on the benefits of an SGSTC certificate program within the workforce. We would like to increase enrollment for our on campus programs by 20% for the 24-25 school year.
Strategy: The SGSTC school counselor will facilitate additional opportunities for students and parents to learn about these programs via various opportunities at base schools and at SGSTC.
For clarity, broad tasks are listed in the Action Step(s) column and tables of related tasks completed are provided at the associated links below. Class applications are due November 03, 2023, digitally, after which point additional recruiting efforts may proceed as
Action Step(s)
Person(s) Coordinating/Monitoring
Dates (Timeframe)
Evidence of Progress/Completion
The number of students enrolled in all courses are below capacity. Counselor
Counselor and Teachers Chelsea Craig
Troy Doss Trevor Hoss
January 2024
Once the online applications are filled out then we will have to make sure counselors
will work with base schools to advertise for programs. Initially numbers were sufficient but many students dropped prior to the start of school.
communicate before dropping students enrolled.
Supervisor of CTE and Work Based Learning will also promote programs district wide with implementation of career days at all elementary and middle schools
Trevor Hoss Chelsea Craig
Beginning September
Each program will visit every Elementary school over a three year period.
County-Wide Counselor Tour
Chelsea Craig Sherry Wiese
Possible PD Day
Counselors will have the option of touring SGSTC/AEC during one of the scheduled professional development days
Goal Statement 4:
100% of and AEC Seniors will complete the necessary requirements to be a Class of 2024 graduate of BCPS.
Strategy: Staff will monitor student progress to ensure all coursework and testing requirements are completed by graduation date.
Action Step(s)
Person(s) Coordinating/Monitoring
Dates (Timeframe)
Evidence of Progress/Completion
SGSTC and AEC will work together on a Climate and Behavioral Goal. The staff will complete the Virginia School Climate and Working conditions survey (90%). Analyze results once completed and make specific recommendations.
Learning coaches Curt Hetherington Troy Doss
2023-24 school year
Weekly check-ins Staff meetings
Ensure students schedules line up with graduation requirements
School Counselor Curt Hetherington
2023-24 school year
Meeting graduation requirements
Schedule testing and competencies
Curt Hetherington
2023-24 school year
Students complete testing requirements
Follow up with students at base schools quarterly to monitor students who have transitioned back to their base school.
Curt Hetherington
2023-24 school year
Powerschool incidents Grades
SOL’s and benchmarks